ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

Research Article

Anna V. Vinokurova Candidate of Sociology, Associate professor,
Department of Social and Psychological Sciences, Far Eastern Federal University
ORCID ID=0000-0001-6415-4680
Value orientations among families of Dagestan origin in Primorye.
Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2017. Vol. 8. No. 4. P. 124-137

This Article is downloaded: 397 times
Topic: Values and their carriers

For citation:
Vinokurova A. V. Value orientations among families of Dagestan origin in Primorye. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2017. Vol. 8. No. 4. P. 124-137


Primorie is one of many locations which migrants from various Russian regions (including Dagestan) gravitate towards. During the process of adapting to a new place of residence, one of the most vital issues is integration into the host community. The efficiency of this process depends on family relationships, among other things. This article presents the socio-demographic characteristics and fundamental values of Dagestan families residing in Primorsky Krai. Peculiarities when it comes to socio-cultural space, geographic location, the socio-economic development of the region, level of urbanization, and the condition of infrastructure – they are all examined within the context of the key factors which affect family value orientations. Also described are the main results of an empirical study with the use of qualitative sociological methods of data collection (in-depth interviews). The social composition of the surveyed representatives of Dagestan families reflects the main characteristics of Russian families in general. First of all, we are talking about a high relative proportion of specialists and officers, as well as managers of various levels. Second of all, it was common to hear mention of people having their own businesses. Thereby the characteristics of Dagestan families’ social status indicate that families provide their members with the necessary cultural and economic capital, primarily children. The study revealed that value orientations in families of Dagestan origin living in Primorye correlate with ideas of success in life, which include such family values as material prosperity, a stable and guaranteed future, as well as values having to do with professional employment. Amidst a decrease in overall quality of life, a change in the familiar social environment, and an increase in competition in all fields of life, we see respondents striving to do everything possible in order for their families to be financially secure and preserved as the main foundation for stability in their life.


family, value orientations, family values, social prosperity, socio-cultural space, regional development, Primorsky Krai, immigrants from Dagestan.


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