ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

Research Article

Николай Н Лапин, Член-корр. РАН, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,
Main researcher, head of the Centre, Institute of Philosophy RAS
Hybrid transition and a demand for “modernization for all”.
Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2018. Vol. 9. No. 4. P. 105-136

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Topic: Transition, modernization, innovations

For citation:
Лапин Н. И. Hybrid transition and a demand for “modernization for all”. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2018. Vol. 9. No. 4. P. 105-136


This article showcases the author’s participation in a discussion on the content, results and prospects of Russian society’s post-Soviet transformation. The author provides a preliminary report on the results of studies conducted from an anthropological socio-cultural evolutionism and critical humanism standpoint. He offers the following conclusions: 1) the Perestroika and the self-destruction of the USSR made way for a new era for Russia. However, the new commanding elites imposed onto the population a reverse-heterogeneous approach (hybrid transition) aimed towards “capitalism for their own”, which led to an appalling contrast between rich and poor groups of the population, while preventing society from developing, and to some extent even putting the country’s very existence at risk: the same problems continue to emerge over and over again without being resolved, and that’s not to mention an onset of new and highly critical issues, as well as certain risky challenges faced by for our civilization. 2) The author reckons that the constructive potential of a hybrid transition is for the most part exhausted. There is an ever growing demand for “modernization for all”, or a humanistic modernization. The author utilizes results gathered by Russian scientists who he knows of, as well as his own results. Based on them, he offers informative guidelines which outline the scope of desired positive changes in the lives of the population, while substantiating the relevance of such a concept as “real humanism”, the feasibility of the special federal program “Establishing the Russian Federation as a strong social state”, as well as a new interpretation of the notion of “civilism”, coming forth as a result of converging post-capitalism and post-socialism. That while describing institutions of reflexive self-development, which have the potential to eliminate lawlessness in terms of how the elite treat the population, by means of implementing civilized norms such as equality of opportunity for all, national assets and private property, social state, socially orientated market economy, social justice, real humanism. In order to develop science-based approaches towards resolving multitudes of new problems, it is essential to conduct not only interdisciplinary, but also transdisciplinary studies with participation by sociologists, economists, legal experts, political analysts, psychologists, and experts fields such as philosophy, history, synergetics and system research.


critical humanism, anthroposociocultural transformation, reversible-heterogeneous transition (hybrid transition), «crony capitalism»; «modernization for all», social state, real humanism.


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