ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

Research Article

Ирина И Асеева Doctor of Philosophy
Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia
ORCID ID=0000-0002-4172-7762
Are the Russian people prepared to enter the new techno-anthropological reality?.
Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2020. Vol. 11. No. 2. P. 141-156

Дата поступления статьи: 10.03.2020
This Article is downloaded: 2406 times
Topic: Modernization, Strategic Management and Sociology

For citation:
Асеева И. А. Are the Russian people prepared to enter the new techno-anthropological reality?. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2020. Vol. 11. No. 2. P. 141-156


This article is dedicated to studying the social reflection of how the latest info-social technologies influence the everyday life of individuals and society. The study shows that information and social technologies help modern humans adapt to the new techno-anthropological reality, developing the intention for them to change their customary lifestyle. For example, preparing a modern citizen of Russia for professional retraining, if further development of cyber-technology forces people to abandon their usual jobs, and how its development was affected by modern information and social technologies. This article presents the results of the author’s own sociological study titled “Modern social technologies as a means of managing individual attitudes”, conducted in 2019 from June to November among inhabitants of the city of Kursk, which is a Russian regional capital. The statistical population – residents who are 18 years of age and older – amounts to 321 thousand people, while the sample population included 384 respondents. While conducting research, a significant converging influence of information and social technologies on an individual became apparent. It’s worth noting that information technologies (the internet in particular) are the most popular sources of information, according to our respondents, while also being mediums through which various manipulations are exercised, which affect an individual’s behavior, their willingness to take specific and targeted actions, the development of the necessary attitudes of a group or individual towards any given social phenomenon, as well as through which a certain means of perceiving said phenomenon is imposed. The study was funded by Russian Science Foundation grant №19-18-00504 “The socio-technical landscapes of the digital reality: ontological matrixes, ethical-axiological regulatives, road maps and informational support of management solutions”.


social technologies, information technologies, anthropotechnical reality, digitalization, social management, manipulation, social attitude


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