ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

Research Article

Ekaterina V. Artyushina Candidate of Economics, Associate professor,
HSE University, Moscow, Russia
ORCID ID=0000-0002-1742-0808
Marianna M. Koren`kova
HSE University, Moscow, Russia
ORCID ID=0000-0002-1611-6708
Research on the factors of consumer satisfaction with the development of digital communications: expectations and reality.
Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2021. Vol. 12. No. 1. P. 118-135

Дата поступления статьи: 28.02.2021
Topic: Social communications in the “digital expansion” situation

For citation:
Artyushina E. V., Koren`kova M. M. Research on the factors of consumer satisfaction with the development of digital communications: expectations and reality. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2021. Vol. 12. No. 1. P. 118-135


The authors of this article proceed from the fact that, as a result of the intensive development of digital technologies, a digital society has formed an understanding of life, in which many habitual social practices have been transformed into digital ones. In particular, digital technologies have contributed to the fact that communication on personal, social and commercial issues has moved to a different, virtual level. However, in a number of areas, digital communication causes problems and communication disruptions. For example, previous studies have highlighted high levels of consumer dissatisfaction with companies using digital communication tools. Especially a lot of criticism is caused by answerphones, recently widely popular and used increasingly by public and commercial institutions. The article examines the new ways companies use to deliver their message to an existing or potential customer, as well as the quality and customer ratings of some of these solutions. In addition, the authors tried to identify factors that influence consumer satisfaction when communicating with companies in the digital environment. The main research methods are analysis of previous projects results, interviews and online survey. The article is based on the results of the research conducted in the city of Nizhny Novgorod. The city residents expectations for the automated communication system used in the modern world between the user and the service provider in case when communication is initiated by the consumer to solve his problems were studied on the example of telecommunications companies. These expectations were divided into six groups, and a comparative quantitative assessment of consumer expectations and the actual quality of communication was made. A low level of satisfaction with new ways of communication between companies and consumers was detected, and factors influencing consumer attitudes were identified. In general, the study showed that the formed factors determine the priority directions of transformation of the communication practices of companies and are the basis for the balance of technologies and human resources at the enterprise.


digital communications, consumer satisfaction research, communication activities, automation of the communication process, consumer satisfaction, marketing communications



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