ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

Research Article

Anatoly N. Silin, Doctor of Sociology, Professor, main researcher, , Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, Chief research fellow, Western Siberian Branch of Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences Tiumen, Russia
Лариса Л Ковальжина, Candidate of Sociology, Associate professor, associate of other organizaiton, , Candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor, Department of Fuel and Energy System Management of Tiumen Industrial University, Tiumen, Russia
Healthy lifestyle in the Tyumen region.
Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2017. Vol. 8. No. 2. P. 96-107

This Article is downloaded: 173 times
Topic: Social Processes in Russian Regions

For citation:
Silin A. N., Ковальжина Л. С. Healthy lifestyle in the Tyumen region. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2017. Vol. 8. No. 2. P. 96-107


Presented in this article are the results of a sociological study of healthy lifestyle based on evaluations from school pupils and their parents. The survey was conducted on the territory of Tyumen province, with a representative nested sample and by method of questionnaire survey. Parents (n=677) and school pupils (n=744) took part in this survey, from 34 secondary day schools in five cities and ten rural zones of Tyumen province. Examined are the specifics of leading a healthy lifestyle (HL), as well as various approaches to defining the term “health”, a review is conducted of the groups of factors which effect health condition. Conducted is an analysis of the respondents’ understanding of the meaning of the term “healthy lifestyle”, as well as a comparison to a group of respondents which lead such a lifestyle. Physical activity parameters and rejecting harmful habits prevail in the respondents’ understanding of healthy lifestyle. School pupils’ priorities went to physical activities, while parents’ main priority was rejecting harmful habits. Such parameters as “adhering to a regimen”, “rational nutrition” and “avoiding stress” rank lower down in the rating. Considering the relevance of a healthy lifestyle, emphasized is the need to shape conscious and intentional behavior orientated towards preventive methods and conserving health. Noted is the relevance of getting the population to lead a healthy lifestyle, the main components of the latter having to be personal and public hygiene, rational nutrition, a thoroughly organized regimen and physical activity, which bears crucial importance when it comes to public health, as well as social and demographical stability for the country in the future.


healthy lifestyle, healthy lifestyle evaluation, health, parents, school pupils, Tyumen province.


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