ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

Research Article

Grigory A. Kliucharev, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, main researcher, ,
Anna V. Chursina , officer on education and training methods, ,
Small scientific enterprises as a factor of rivalry among universities.
Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2017. Vol. 8. No. 3. P. 69-97

This Article is downloaded: 217 times
Topic: Sociology of education: modern trends

For citation:
Kliucharev G. A., Chursina A. V. Small scientific enterprises as a factor of rivalry among universities. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2017. Vol. 8. No. 3. P. 69-97


Effective participation in state scientific programs and projects, the development of in-house scientific research and development – often in conjunction with manufacturing companies – all of this is an important part of operations carried out by leading universities and higher-educational facilities. Creating and selling scientific production can help universities generate considerable income, and more importantly – this helps increase their ratings, making such an educational facility appealing in the eyes of potential applicants. This article examines the activities of small innovational enterprises (SIE), which themselves are a form of activating scientific research in universities and institutions of higher education, and which, by doing so, increase the rating of an educational facility. Such enterprises do not only aid in the survival of higher-educational facilities, but also contribute to the formation of a market for innovative products. The authors pay attention not only to the history of small innovational enterprises’ development, but also to the problems they face. Examined are certain types of their activity, and the results of implementing certain developed innovations. Determined is the effect which the founders’ structure and the ownership capital have on a small enterprise’s successful existence. It is noted that the human resource potential of any small innovational enterprise created under a higher-educational facility is higher when it is founded in collaboration with a business, than if it were founded solely under a higher-educational facility. It often happens that such enterprises stimulate the emergence of new professions on the labor market. For example, such is the case with the specialty “scientific product marketing expert”. The main customers who purchase products made by small enterprises are those companies which work closely with higher-educational facilities; however, there has been an increase in the amount of private clients. Innovational products are usually produced under the higher-educational facility’s brand, not only bringing economic benefits, but also having a positive impact on the image characteristics of educational institutions. Highlighted are the difficulties which small innovational enterprises under higher-educational facilities now face; however, despite these problems, their operations are quite promising, as noted by the authors, especially if they receive better financing, discounts on equipment and space, and if an opportunity is presented for being able to constantly increase the qualification of their personnel. This article was prepared based on data from a government-funded study called “Research and development in prioritized fields for developing Russia’s scientific and technical complex for the years 2014-2020”, conducted by the Social forecasting and marketing center with help from the authors of this article.


higher education, universities, scientific activity, small innovational enterprises at higher-educational facilities.


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