ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

Research Article

Евгений Е Рабинович , senior researcher, ,
Aleksandr V. Tikhonov, Doctor of Sociology, Professor, main researcher, ,
Russian sociology of management: theoretical and methodological justification for the development of an explanatory dictionary.
Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2011. Vol. 2. No. 1. P. 117-131

This Article is downloaded: 1204 times
Topic: To the methodology of scientific research

For citation:
Рабинович Е. И., Tikhonov A. V. Russian sociology of management: theoretical and methodological justification for the development of an explanatory dictionary. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2011. Vol. 2. No. 1. P. 117-131


The article substantiates the need to streamline the conceptual framework of sociology of management, and introduce terminological differences between its basic concepts and paradigms, between social management and sociology of management, which will facilitate the systematization of numerous but disparate and poorly comparable studies in this field. The history of development of sociology of management, change of its interpretations with the development of the given branch of sociological science is discussed. The evolvement of the native sociology of management is shown; its range of problems in the 1960s developed in the framework of sociology of labor, industrial sociology and the sociology of organizations. In the 1990s sociology of management was seen as a sociological superstructure over management. The importance of sociology of management in modern Russia, associated with the transformation of society, problems of management in various spheres of life and activities that emerged in connection with the transformation processes. The individualization of management as a problem and a unit of observation is unparalleled in Western literature and reflects the Russian socio-cultural specifics. At present, there is a crisis of thought on management, a research program is needed to solve the problems of institutionalization of governance in our country, taking into account its history, traditions and social and cultural conditioning of the management mechanisms. This stage in the development of sociology of management is accompanied by refinement of the epistemological status of sociological expertise on management, the ontognosiological foundations of the subject and all elements of the methodological organization of research as problems of controllability of social processes. For development of sociology of management and its advancement into management practice, it is necessary to streamline the conceptual framework of the sociology of management, introduce clear terminological differences between its basic concepts. This requirement is met by the task set by the team of the Center of Sociology of Management and Social Technologies of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences to prepare a theoretical applicative definition dictionary “Sociology of management”. Its originality is not only that the dictionary is created for the first time in this field of sociology, but also is based on its own domestic research of methodological and empirical nature.


subject field of sociology of management, the theory, history and paradigms of sociology of management, the conceptual device of sociology of management, the thesaurus (terminology) of sociology of management, applied aspects of sociology of management, management


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